Bidding over Precision 1M When 1NT is GF - Open Chart
This only applies to 1st and 2nd seat openers; after 3rd or 4th seat,
Responder cannot have a game force so we bid normally.
Raising The Major
As always, we have a lot of ways to show the fit, since those are important:
- 2(M-1)ALERT - Transfer into Opener's major shows 3 card support and
invitational. Includes:
- 3 card support, bad 10 to 13
- 4 card support, no shortnesss, 9 to 10
- 4 card support, shortnesss, 8 to 9
Note that a really top hand can re-invite if Opener signs off in
- 2M - This is a weak to single raise, including:
- 3 card support, bad 6 to 9
- 4 card support, up to a bad 8
3 card support because of 3M
- 2(M+1)ALERT - This is a 4 card raise with an unknown singleton and
invitational strength. Next step asks for the shortness.
- 3MALERT - 4 card invite with no shortness
- 3NTALERT - This is a splinter showing a void in OM and typically 9-12 HCP.
When the relayer has a void it is hard to evaluate with a 1NT start.
- 4mALERT - Again, a void showing splinter
- 4MALERT - This is the old Precision "preempt or good hand" raise
Showing the Other Major
Over a 1♥ Opener, Responder bids 1♠ with 4+ spades, which is a normal 1
round force, although is (usually) less than a game force since the relay can
find a spade fit if relevant.
Over a 1♠ Opener, Responder bids 2♦ALERT to transfer to hearts, promising 5+
hearts but ambigous strength; anywhere from constructive to a good invite.
With 5OM+5m invitational, we can jump to 3mALERT.
Finally, 3OMALERT is an invitational bid usually promising 7 cards in OM.
Bidding Without a Major to Show
With either a bad hand with diamonds or an invite, Responder starts with 2♣ALERT.
Opener usually bids 2♦ALERT and Responder will typically bid 2M to show a
balanced invite with two card support, or something else natural. If the
Opening bid was hearts, Responder can also use 2NTALERT to show 5-5 in the minors
and typically 7-10 HCP, but over spades we don't have the bidding room to
show that hand.
With some values and a balanced hand (or long clubs), but not enough to invite,
Responder is strongly encouraged to Pass.
"Live with the pass and dont make ridicoulous [sic] invites or NF bids
in new suits just to keep the bidding alive."
If the Opponents compete, Responder can rejoin the auction, and if not, well,
"I have played VPC for more than 10 years and have never missed a good game after 1M-p-p-p."
Full Set of Replies
- PassALERT - often a bust, but could have up to 10 HCP with clubs/balanced
- 1♠ - (M=♥), normal, 4+ spades, F1. Tends not to be GF since the 1NT
relay is available.
- 1NTALERT - Artificial Game Force. Not covered here.
- 2♣ALERT - Constructive with 5+ diamonds or any
Game Invite without 3M/5♥/4♠.
After which:
- 2♦ALERT - Waiting for further description
- 2♥ (M=♠) - minimum with 4+♥
- 2M - minimum with 6+M
- else - a max of some nature
- 2♦ALERT (M=♠) - "A non-forcing transfer to hearts." 5+♥, constructive to invitational.
- 2♦ALERT/2♥ALERT - "10-13" Game invite with 3 card support.
Two Way Game Tries are on.
- 2M - normal raise. Two Way Game Tries are on.
- 2♠ALERT/2NTALERT - Invitational, 4 card support, unknown singleton. Next
step asks for location of shortness
- 2NTALERT (M=♥ only) - 5+♣,5+♦, 7-10 HCP usually
- 3♣ALERT - 5+♣,5+OM, invitational strength
- 3♦ALERT - 5+♦,5+OM, invitational strength
- 3OMALERT - Invitational, typically 7OM
- 3MALERT - balanced 4 card invite
- 3NTALERT - 4+M, void OM, 9-12 HCP
- 4mALERT - 4+M, void m, 9-12 HCP
- 4MALERT / 4OM - to play (4M alerted as could be weak or strong)
After 2♣ Inviter
- 2♦ALERT - artificial, waiting.:
- 2♥ - 4 hearts
- 2M - 2 card support, balanced
- 2♠ALERT - balanced, no spade stopper
- 2NT - natural, solid invite.
- 3m - 6 card suit
- 2♥ - 4 hearts, min
- 2M - 6+, min
After 1♠-2♦ heart transfer
2♦ is forcing even though it is ostensibly limited. Opener's responses are:
- 2♥ - any hand with 2+ hearts which cannot make a stronger raise.
Any further bid by Responder shows an invitational strength hand.
2♠, in particular, shows 2 spades and 5 hearts. 3♠ should show 3
- 2♠ - any min without 2 hearts. Responder's 2NT shows a good 13
HCP invite. 3♠ a hearts and spades invite. Other 3 level bids
imply a weak hand with short spades, simply trying to improve the
- 2NT - maximum with 51(43) or 5044 shape; Responder's next call places
the contract (possibly with Pass)
- 3m - maximum with 5+m, 1-♥. Responder's next call places the contract
- 3♥ - Invitational to game opposite a presumed 8-11 HCP, 5♥ Responder
- 3♠ - very good spades
- 4mALERT - splinter showing 4+♥; slam is possible opposite Responder's
strong invitational strength hand.
After 1♥-1♠
1♠ is a one-round force, but is assumed to be not GF. 1♠ usually denies
3 hearts, but it could be a 5♠+3♥ invitational hand, in which case
Responder's second bid will often be a jump to 3♥. Responder's further bids
will typically be NF.
Over 1♠, Opener bids naturally. Over 1♥-1♠-2m, Repsonder's 2♥ is just
a preference bid, and Responder will need to bid 2NT or higher to show a
strong invite. Since Responder could have 5 spades to bid 2NT, Opener should
now bid 3♠ if they have an accept and interest in playing 4♠ in a 5-3 fit.
Over 1♥-1♠-1NT, we don't need XYZ or NMF since Responder is known to be not
GF, but we do still need a way to invite with 5 spades. Since there's no
need to take a preference with 2♥ in this auction (we just pass with some
weak 42xx hand), we borrow 2♥. Specifically, after 1♥-1♠-1NT:
- 2mALERT - 5+m, NGI (No Game Interest). Alert because "standard"
implies 5 spades and 4 m.
- 2♥ALERT - invitational with 5 spades. Opener's responses:
- 2♠ - mininimum to medium with 2 spades, or minimum 3 spades
- 2NT,3♣,3♦,3♥,3♠ - natural re-invite with 3 spades, medium
- 3NT - maximum with 2 spades
- 4♠ - maximum with 3 spades
- 2♠ - 5+ spades, NGI
- 2NT - balanced invite, 4 spades only
- 3m - 4 spades, 6+m, invitational
- 3♥ - 3 heart + 5 spade limit raise
- 3♠ - 6 spades, invitational (7 spade inv hands bid 3♠ directly over
Note this key difference: 1♥-1♠-2m-2NT may have 5 spades, but
1♥-1♠-1NT-2NT probably doesn't.
- Direct interference over a 1M opener is handled like a normal bidding
system, with negative doubles and the rest of it.
- Over one of our many M raises, things are easy. Note that Maximal
Doubles are on, but if they haven't bid specifically 3(M-1) then
Double is penalty.
- Over our various funky two suiter bids (1♥-2NT, 1♠-3♣, etc.)
bidding is natural (Double is for penalty)
- Over 2♣ showing either diamonds or invitational:
- Opener's XALERT (up to 3♣) is a support double showing 3 diamonds.
- If Responder's 3♦ could be competitive, it is. Any other action
by Responder shows the invitational hand
- When in competition over 1♠-2♦ showing 5 hearts and less than
GF strength...
- Opener's 3♥ is a weak heart raise
- Opener's XALERT is a strong heart raise
- If Responder's 3♥ could be competitive, it is.
- Other actions by Responder promise invitational strength.
Bidding over 1M - Basic+ Chart
We want to keep 1NT as our GF Relay, but now 2m has to be "Natural", which
is defined as 3+ cards. To keep the system legal, we dump the ability to
show diamonds with NGI. So, Responder's first bids over Opener's 1M are:
- 1♠ - natural, F1, usually less than GF; same as above
- 1NTALERT - GF relay start
- 2♣ALERT - 11-13 HCP, 3+ clubs (4+ if M=♥). May have 3M or 5♥. Almost forcing
- 2♦ALERT - 11-13 HCP, 4+ diamonds. May have 3M or 5♥. Almost forcing
- 2♥ALERT - 8-11 HCP, 5+ hearts, NF
- 2M - normal single raise
- 3OM - 6+ suit, invitational
- other bids above 2M are unchanged
Bidding after 1M-2♣
- 2♦ALERT - min without 6M or 4 hearts
- 2♥ - min with 4 hearts.
- 2M - min with 6+M.
- any bid above 2M is natural and GF
Bidding after 1M-2♦
- 2♥ - min with 4 hearts.
- 2M - min with 5+M
- any bid above 2M is natural and GF
After 1M-2m and Opener's rebid showing a min, Responder's new suit
is just an attempt to improve the contract. A raise is now a second try
at game (example: 1♠-2♣-2♦-3♠ would be showing 3 card support and a max
in the context of the already shown 11-13).
Bidding after 1♠-2m-3om
Responder has shown a good invite which might have 4 or 5 hearts... or might
not have hearts at all. Opener has accepted the game try and is showing
3 or 4 hearts, allowing us to find an 8 card fit. Responder can now bid:
- 3♥ - suggests hearts as the strain (i.e. 4 hearts or maybe a 5332 with
weak hearts).
- 3♠ - 6 spades, 3 hearts. Pick a game
- 3♠ - suggests spades as the strain, typically Hx; but could be xxx and
relatively balanced.
- 3NT - to play!
- 4♥ - 5 hearts
- 4♠ - 3 spades (i.e. the original 2m bid was on the way to a 3 card LR)