Jordan's Tweaks to SMP
We like the SMP book, Standard Modern Precision a lot. But there are a couple of places
we like to change it, and a couple it leaves unspecified.
1♣ Openers
We generally approve of the advanced version which has
- 1♥ - 8-11 HCP, 4- spades
- 1♠ - 8+ HCP, 5+ spades
- 1NT - 12+ HCP, 5+ hearts
- 2♥ - 14+ HCP, balanced
- 2NT - 12-13 HCP, balanced
Over 2NT we play our 2NT systems on (regardless that contracts will be
"wrong-sided"). We add two gadgets after the 2♥ response:
- 2♠ALERT - exact HCP ask. 2NT=14, 3♣=15, etc.
- 2NT - Opener shows 17-19 balanced and transfers captaincy to the
- 3♣+ - as per normal 2NT system
1♦ Openers
We prefer to use weak jump shifts. Specifically Responses to 1♦ are:
- 2♣, 2♦ - 5+ suit, natural, F1, (not GF). If GF may have a 4 card
major. Opener's Rebids:
- 2♦ - 6+ suit
- 2♥, 2♠ - natural 4 card suit
- 2NT - balanced 11-13
- 3m - 3+ card raise, minimum, NF
- 3omALERT - 3+ card raise, maximum, GF
- (2♥, 2♠, 3♣, 3♦)ALERT - weak jump shifts
1♦-1♥-1♠ - 4 spades, could be balanced.
We play XYZ. So, in particular, after 1x-1y-1z:
- 2♣ALERT - puppet to 2♦. If Responder bids again, that is natural and
- 2♦ALERT - artificial game force
- 2M - natural and less than invitational (except 1♦-1♥-1NT-2♠)
- 2NT - puppet to 3♣
- 3w - 55 slam try
- 3y - 6+ slam try
Opponents Double 1♦
We play transfers, so in particular:
- XXALERT - transfer to hearts
- 1♥ALERT - transfer to spades
- 1♠ALERT - transfer to NT
- 1NTALERT - transfer to clubs
- 2♣ALERT - transfer to diamonds
- 2♦ALERT - both majors
- 2♥+ - weak
After a transfer to 1M, Opener should bid as though Responder had bid 1M,
except that bidding 1M directly shows 3 card support. After a higher level
transfer, Opener typically accepts the transfer except with shape.
1M Openers
1M-3M - weak
1♥-2♠ and 1♠-2NT are Limit Raise or better with support of M, after which:
- 2NTALERT - minimum with ♠ shortness
- 3mALERT - minimum with m shortness
- 3M - balanced minimum
- 3(M+1)ALERT - any maximum
We use 3(M+1) as the maximum because we want to give Responder space to cue
bid if Responder has slam interest, but we don't want to immediately start
revealing information in case Responder is only game invitational.
Remember, with a GF raise of M and no particular slam interest, you just bid
4M directly.
2♣ Openers
After 2♣-2♦-2♥-2♠ asking for details of the alleged 4 card major, we
add an extra two responses:
- 2NTALERT - min with hearts
- 3♣ALERT - min with spades
- 3♦ALERT - max with hearts
- 3♥ALERT - max with spades
- 3♠ALERT - max with hearts and a void
- 3NTALERT - max with spades and a void
2♦ Openers and other Three Suiters
Or more specifically, any time we have shown a 3 suited hand (for example,
after 1♣-2♠), instead of the dangerous 4♣-4♦-4x scheme (I always forget
the jump to 4♥ is not to play), we use something simpler:
- 4♣ - puppet to 4♦, then
- 4♥ - RKC for middle suit
- 4♠ - RKC for highest suit
- 4♦ - RKC for lowest suit
Third and Fourth Seat Openers
Rather than learn a whole new bidding system, we just adapt our system slightly
to take advantage of the fact that we have lots of game finding gadgetry.
Specifically, all Opener ranges go up by 1 point, all Responder ranges go
down by 1 point. So 1♦ is 11-16, 1NT is 15-17, 1♣ is 17+ (18+ if balanced),
and so on.