Opener shows 11-15 HCP (sometimes 10), and "4=4=1=5 shape minus a card".

Responder Bids after 2

The 2NT Asking Bid

Opener bids 3 with a bad hand and shows shape otherwise. We bid the 3 card major to minimize wrong-siding.

Responder's Bids after 2NT-3-3

3ALERT says: Show me shape anyway. Again we bid the 3 card major to minimize the chance of wrong-siding. Responses:


After Opener has shown exact shape, Responder can bid the next step which is not 3NT to ask for controls.

Opener Min

  1. 2 CP (or sometimes less)
  2. 3 CP
  3. 4 CP
  4. 5 CP and zoom

Opener Max

  1. 3 CP
  2. 4 CP
  3. 5 CP
  4. 6 CP
  5. 7 CP and zoom
After control points are known, a standard honor scan commences.
