MAFIA, Jordan Style
Opener showed 16+ HCP (17+ if balanced). Responder showed 0-7 HCP (not
an ace and a king. Also at least one king/ace, so with many quakcs could
be more than 7). The
opponents have been quiet, so we have to try to find a playable spot somehow.
Broadly speaking, Responder deems his hand to be a "semi-positive" (6-7 HCP,
or a well-fitting 5), "mini-positive" (at least QQ or K), or "bust". Opener
thinks of his hand as Limited (16-19 HCP), Strong (20-22 HCP) or
Game Forcing (23+ HCP), although upgrades or downgrades are possible
depending on shape and honor location.
In all these auctions, Responder cannot make a forcing bid. Responder,
to be sure, can make bids that would be strange to Pass, but only Opener
can create a true force.
Opener's Second Bid
- 1♥ - Limited/Strong, 4+♥, NF
- 1♠ - Limited/Strong, 4+♠, NF
- 1NT - Balanced 17-19, NF
- 2♣ - Limited/Strong, 5+♣ no 4M
- 2♦ - Limited/Strong, 5+♦ no 4M
- 2♥ALERT - Kokish Relay, forces 2♠
- 2♠ - GF, 5+♠
- 2NT - Balanced, 22-23, NF
- 3♣ALERT - GF Stayman (uses MSI responses - with
54 or better, respond as if 44). Responder can also jump to 4m or 4M
with an excellent independent suit
- 3♦ALERT - GF Minor(s)
- 3♥ALERT - Super Honor Scan
- 3NT, 4M, etc. - to play
When Opener shows a Limited/Strong Major
Opener has 4M but may have a longer minor. Also, with 4+♥ and 5♠ and
a Strong Hand, Opener bids 1♥ first to allow a jump to 2♠ on the next
Similar to the SMP Book, Responder makes a bid based on fit and strength:
- Pass - any bust. A bust with short M can risk 1NT and a bust with
4+M can risk 2M if desired.
- 1♠ - 4+♠, 3-♥, mini or semi-positive
- 1NTALERT - any mini-positive with 3-M (and with 3-♠ if M=♥)
- 2♣ALERT - "fitless Drury" - a semi-positive with 2-M (and without
4♠, but may have 5+♥ if M=♠)
- 2♦ALERT - "fit Drury" - a semi-positive with exactly 3M.
- 2♥ALERT - semi-positive with 5+♥ and 3♠
- 2M - mini-positive with 4+M
- 2(M+1)ALERT - semi-positive with 4+M and shortness. 2(M+2)ALERT asks
for the short suit, 3M is to play, anything else is GF
- jump - (also 2NT when M=♥) semi-positive with a good six card suit
(defined as expecting at most 2 losers opposite Partner's xx and
normal breaks)
- 3M - semi-positive with 4+M and no shortness
- double jumpALERT - splinter - semi-positive strength, shortness, and
5 card support
Developments after 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠
So far Opener showed 4 hearts, Responder showed 4 spades and not 4
hearts, but there are many 5-3 fits still available. Opener's next
- 1NTALERT - artifical, 1 round force. Shows one of:
- 5♥ + 4m
- 3♠
- a hand which wants to be in game opposite even a misfitting
We will usually find out which it is on the next round of bidding.
- 2m - NF, 4♥,5+m
- 2♥ - NF, 6+ hearts
- 2♠ - NF, 4+ spades
- 3♥ - NF, very good, 6+ hearts
- 3♠ - NF, very good, 4+ spades
- else - GF and natural
After 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-1NT
Typically Responder chooses a bid assuming Opener has
the 5♥+4m hand. In this sequence misfitting semi-positives try to get
out at the 2 level. However, if we find a 5-3 spade fit with a semi-positive
Responder, we will end up at 3♠. If Opener doesn't want to be at 3♠ in
that situation, Opener should consider passing 1♠.
Opener's 2♠ shows the 3♠ hand and Opener's 2NT
will ask Responder for range (3♣ for mini, 3♦+ for semi-positive),
after which we will scramble or be in a game-force, respectively.
In these auctions, since each partner has a different major but no 7
card fit can be found, we should be able to find a playable minor.
- 2♣ALERT - pass/correct; any strength, prefers unknown m to ♥.
Opener now clarifies:
- Pass - 5♥,4+♣, no game interest even opposite SP
- 2♦ - 5♥,4+♦, NF
- 2♥ALERT - 5 hearts, 3 spades, NF
- 2♠ - 3 spades, NF, but Responder raises with 5 and a semi-positive
- 2NTALERT - range ask
- 2♦ALERT - fit Drury with 3 hearts. Opener can now try:
- 2♥ - to play
- 2♠ - 3♠, NF, but raise with 5♠
- 3M - re-invite
- else - natural and GF
- 2♥ - any strength; prefers ♥ to m. Opener can now try:
- Pass - to play
- 2♠ - 3♠, NF, but raise with 5♠ and semi-positive
- 2NTALERT - range ask
- 3♥ - re-invite
- 2♠ - any strength; extra spades (usually 6+)
- else - extreme shape SP
Bidding after Mini-Positive 1NT
Opener can decide whether to stay low or force to game opposite the 3-5.
- Pass - Limited, best guess
- 2m - 4+/5+ either way, NF
- 2♥ - 5+♠, 4+♥, NF
- 2M - 6+M, NF
- 2♠ - 5+♠,4+♥, F1
- 3M - 6+M, very good but NF
- else - natural and GF
Bidding over Fitless Drury
When Opener is uninterested in game, Opener can rebid a 6 card major,
show a 4 card heart suit, or bid 2♦ALERT as a F1 scramble. Other bids are
natural and GF.
Over the scrambling 2♦, Responder should bid 2♥ with 5 hearts, 2M with
doubleton support, 2NT if relatively indifferent between minors, and 3m
with a clearly favored minor. Further bidding is NF, but Opener always
has the option to jump to game.
Bidding over Fit Drury
Opener now bids...
- 2M - no interest, NF
- 2(M+1)ALERT - feature ask
- 2NTALERT (M=♥) - 5+♠, 4♥, F1
- 3M - reinvite, NF
- other - natural, F1
When Opener shows a Limited/Strong Minor
Opener will have a 6 card minor unless 5/4 in both minors. This situation
is rather wide ranging, so Responder strains to make a bid with a good
5-7 HCP. Opener has denied a 4 card major, but with a semi-positive,
Responder can bid 2M with a 5 card suit, raise the minor, or try 2NT.
Otherwise, Responder will usually pass.
Opener's non-GF options are:
- Pass
- 2NTALERT - 4 cards in the other minor (NF)
- 3m - 6+ cards (NF)
- 3♣ (When m=♦) - 5+ cards (NF)
- 3M - re-invite (NF)
and anything else forces to game.
Kokish Relay
Responder is forced to bid 2♠, and now Opener clarifies the position:
- 2NT - Balanced, 24-25, NF
- 3m,3♠ - 5+♥, 4+other, GF
- 3♥ - 6+♥, GF
GF Minors 3♦
It is labelled GF, but is technically only forcing to 3NT/4m.
Responder tries to show something useful:
- 3♥ - heart stopper for 3NT
- 3♠ - spade stopper for 3NT
- 3NT - both majors stopped
- 4m - best guess but suggests no help. NF.
- 4M - to play
- 4NT - "transfer", good hand for clubs
- 5♣ - "transfer", good hand for diamonds
If Opener has a one-suited minor hand, he can pass the 5♣ bid or bid 5♦
over 4NT.
Super Honor Scan
This bid is used when Opener knows what trump is, but just wants to know
if Responder has a key honor card. The basic idea is we order the
important honor cards, ♠A, ♥A, ♦A, ♣A, $SK, ... all the
way down to ♣J, and we answer questions about 4 at a time:
- 1st step - none of the four
- 2nd step - have first card
- 3rd step - don't have first card; have second card
- 4th step - don't have first or second card; have third card
- 5th step - don't have first, second card, or third card; do have fourth card
After we have revealed information about those 4 cards, Opener can bid the
next step to ask about the next 4 cards, or bid something else to place the
Note that we never answer about impossible cards. So once you've shown
an ace, you cannot have another ace or king so the next ask is about queens.
AQQ and KKQ are also impossible combinations.
Example auction:
Opener | Responder | Comment |
1♣ | 1♦ | Standard start |
3♥ | 4♣ | SHS and showed the ♥A |
4♦ | 4♥ | continuing, showed no queens |
6♠ | Pass | Opener had AKQJxxxx/Kx/AKx/- |