Opener has started with a strong 1♣ and direct seat cheekily bids
something at the 2 level. This system attempts to improve on "X shows 5-7"
which seems to show too little shape and make constructive bidding difficult.
The basic premise is that we assume Opener has the most common hand: 17-19
balanced, but we have to make allowances for both weak (in the context of
a 1♣ opener!) shapely hands and strong hands.
What Did They Show?
We divide the world into situations where the opponents have shown nothing
(e.g. CRASH, Suction), one known suit, or two known suits.
Vs. Two Known Suits
When they have shown two known suits, we like to play Unusual vs. Unusual.
Double is still penalty oriented, but creates a game force. If they
might have only 4 cards in one of their suits, we should be open to the
possibility of eventually using that as our trump.
Bidding a suit directly shows 5-7, and cue bidding a known opponent suit
shows 8+.
Vs. Zero Known Suits
When they have made a conventional overcall like CRASH or Suction where the
first call doesn't really say what suit the overcaller has, the Opponents
are nearly guaranteed to make another call; also it is difficult for Advancer
to raise immediately to a high level because Advancer also doesn't know what
Overcaller has. Therefore, there is less pressure for us to get our
semi-positive strength going.
Responder's new suit is natural and GF. Double is GF
"without clear direction"; implying balanced, 4x1, or occasionally with
a 5 card suit to embarrassing to mention. Responder's Jump shows 5-7
with a decent six card suit (at least AT or KJ). NT should show 12+.
One Level Interference
At the one level, we have more space to work with, and also it is less
interesting to try to stop for penalties. Generally Responder makes a
negative free bid at a low level or a GF bid at a higher level.
- Pass - 0-4 HCP or trap pass. Promise 3+ clubs over 1♣X.
- XALERT - 5-7 HCP balanced. May or may not have stoppers.
- XXALERT - same as X
- 1♦ALERT - 0-4 HCP, 0-2 clubs.
- non-jump majorALERT - 5+ cards, 5-7 HCP
- 2mALERT - 6+ cards, no 4 card major, 5-7 HCP
- 1NTALERT - unbalanced, one or two 4 card majors, 5-7 HCP (or at least 5-4 minors)
- 2Q - GF without clear direction
- jump new suit - 5+ suit, 8+ GF
- 3Q - strong three suiter
- 2NT - 8-11 or 15+ balanced, stoppers. 2NT systems on
- 3NT - 12-14 balanced, stoppers. 2NT systems on
Further Bidding by Opener
- After negatives (Pass or 1♦), Opener goes to pass-an-ace mode. In
particular, 2NT shows 22+.
- After X, Opener bids using 1NT systems, including in competition
- After GF bids, Opener bids naturally.
After Responder's 1NT
If the opponents are quiet, 2♣ALERT asks for a transfer into a 4 card major.
(with minors, 2♠ALERT shows 5♦+4♣, 3♣ shows 5♣+4♦, 2NT shows 5♣+5♦, after
which Opener's 3m is NF to play). After 2♦ALERT showing 4 hearts, 2♠ asks
for 4 spades and is a 1 round force.
Other bids are natural, 1 round forces. In competition, Opener's X is for
takeout. As always, Opener can bid a new suit at the 3 level or cue bid
to create a GF.
After Responder's 5-7 suit
A new suit at the 1 or 2 level by Opener shows a minimum with no tolerance
for Responder's suit. Opener can also use 2NT lebensohl to sign off.
Opener's cue bid, jump new suit, or new suit at the 3 level are all GF.
If the opponents compete, the same general rules apply, but X is for penalty.
Two Level Interference
- Pass - nothing to say. 0-7 HCP unless trap passing.
- 2XALERT - natural, 5+ suit, 4-7 HCP, NF
- X - Philip Martin style; 2+ cards in opponent's suit, 3+ cards in
all other suits, 5-7 HCP.
- 2NTALERT - lebensohl, always 5+ HCP
- 3X - GF (8+ HCP), 5+ suit
- 3Q - GF (8+ HCP), without clear direction
- 3NT - 8-11, to play
- 4m - GF, leaping michaels
- 4M - 8-11, 7 card suit
- 4Q - very strong three suiter
Opener's Rebids
If Responder has made a GF call, then Opener can bid naturally and life will
hopefully end in a happy game contract.
After Responder Passes
We go to "pass an ace" mode. Opener pretends to pass an ace under
the table to Responder and then makes whatever overcall he would've made
as if the opponents had preempted. In particular, a 2NT call should show
22-24. If Opener's hand doesn't have much playing strength, this may even
imply passing.
After Responder's New Suit at the 2 Level
If Opener has tolerance for the suit in question, Pass and Raise are the
main options. With a bad unbalanced hand with no tolerance for Responder's
Suit, Opener can bid yet another new suit at the 2 level, or bid 2NTALERT
lebensohl. Over this lebensohl, Responder usually bids 3♣ but can rebid
their own suit with extra length or a new suit if that looks better. But
in any case, a sequence starting with Opener's lebensohl (or 2 level bid)
is generally not looking for game, just a suitable place to play.
Alternatively, Opener can bid a new suit or cue the opponent's suit at the
3 level to create a game force. And 3NT is to play, of course.
After Responder's Double
Opener should assume Responder has 5-7 with 3332 negative double shape, and
should basically be able to place the contract. If in desperate need of a
GF (to make a slam try, for example), 3Q is an artificial GF (if Opps'
bid doesn't show that suit, but you want to bid it, start with a penalty pass)
After Responder's lebensohl 2NT
With any minimum, even without tolerance for clubs, Opener should bid 3♣;
Responder is presumed to have 5-7 with a good 6 card suit until further notice.
Any other bid by Opener is natural and GF.
If Advancer bids at the 3 level over 2NT, Opener's Double asks Responder to
bid. At the 4 level, Double is cooperative penalty.
Responder's Rebid after 2NT lebensohl and 3♣ by Opener
- Pass - 5-7 HCP, good 6+ club suit prepared to play opposite a bad
- 3X - 5-7 HCP, 6 card suit
- 3Q - 8-11 balanced with a 4 card major and a stopper
- 3NT - 12-14 balanced with a stopper
Higher Interference
There is basically not enough room to do anything less than GF bids by
Responder. So, X is GF takeout, suit bids are natural and GF. non-leaping
michaels also applies over 3 level interference.