1NT Opener shows 10-12 HCP and denies a 5 card major. Responder's bids,
including 3 level bids and 4♣, are almost all to play. There are four
- 2♣ - Stayman. Pretty much the one-stop shop for strong hands which
cannot place the contract immediately.
- 2NTALERT - Minors. Shows 5-5 in the minors and requests opener to pick
from 3♣ and 3♦. Strength is undefined.
- 4NT - Quantitative invite to 6NT
- 5NT - Quantitative invite to 7NT - forcing to 6NT
The Stayman responses are slightly different from standard:
- 2♦ - denies a 4 card major.
- 2♥ALERT - 4 hearts, denies 4 spades.
- 2♠ - 4 spades, denies 4 hearts.
- 2NTALERT - 4 hearts and 4 spades, minimum
- 3♣ALERT - 4 hearts and 4 spades, maximum
After Opener's Stayman response, suit bids show 5 card suits. 2 level bids
are invitational and not forcing, 3 level bids are game forcing. 4♣ is
Gerber, ace asking.
When the opponents interfere with 2♣, then double shows Stayman; over other
2 level bids, we use Lebensohl and double for penalty.
Direct Seat Doubles
Responder has various options, mostly runouts.
- PassALERT - forces Opener to Redouble; either for business or a 2 suited run-out with spades ("slow is spades")
- XXALERT - forces Opener to bid 2♣; Responder will then place the contract. Shows a one-suited hand.
- 2♣ALERT - shows clubs and hearts, Opener now places the contract.
- 2♦ALERT - shows diamonds and hearts, Opener places the contract.
- 2♥ALERT - shows hearts and spades, with better hearts, Opener places the contract.
- 2NTALERT - minors
- any other bid is to play
Balancing Seat Doubles
Opener gets first say:
- 2♣ - 5 clubs
- 2♦ - 5 diamonds
- XXALERT - any 4-3-3-3
- PassALERT - any 4-4-3-2. Responder bids to play or Redoubles to ask Opener
for a 4 card suit (up to twice).