Opener opens 1NT, Responder bids 2♣, Stayman, and the next hand has the
audacity to double showing clubs! Well, we can try to right-side the
contract as follows:
Opener's Rebid over 2♣-X
So far the auction has gone
- Pass - any hand with no club stopper
- XX - a suggestion that we play in 2♣-XX.
- Else - the same as normal - except it promises a club stopper
After Opener Passes showing no Stopper
So far the auction has gone
- XX - Responder still wants to know about 4 card majors. This bid
guarantees at least invitational strength
- 2♦ - Responder had a Garbage Stayman hand which was prepared to
Pass had Opener responded 2♦ to Stayman. (That is, 3 suited)
- 2♥ - Responder had a Garbage Stayman hand which was prepared to
bid 2♥ had Opener responded 2♦ to Stayman. (That is, just majors)
- 2♠ - mild invitation with 5 spades
After Responder Redoubles for re-Stayman
So far the auction has gone
1NT | Pass | 2♣ | X |
Pass | Pass | XX | Pass |
? | | | |
We re-arrange the Stayman responses so Responder ends up declarer if a
major suit fit can be identified. Opener shows:
- 2♦ - no 4 card major. Then:
- 2M - 5M + 4oM (a "was going to use Smolen hand") F1
- 2NT - invitational with stopper
- 3♣ - half stopper or otherwise forcing
- 3♦ - natural invitational without stopper
- 2oMALERT - 4 of the other major. Then:
- 3♣ - half stopper or slam try
- 3♦ - to play
- 2NT - invitational with stopper
- 3M - invitational with M fit
- 2NTALERT - both majors. Then:
- 3♣ - puppet to 3♦ for 3M natural slam try
- 3M - invitational