Revision History
In an attempt to bring some precision to 2♣ opening hands, we define a
system where semi-positive hands - which are almost always just trying to
find a good game - bid very informatively, and very good (positive) and
negative hands use natural bidding.
A semi-positive hand is typically 4-8 high card points, but note:
- One King (not singleton) is semi-positive.
- One Queen and two Jacks is negative, but One Queen and Three Jacks would be positive.
- Two Aces is positive.
- AK in a 5+ card suit or AQJ in a 6+ card suit is positive.
in all semi-positive sequences, if Opener chooses to ignore the relay bid
(next step), the meaning is natural and Responder should show length in
Opener's suit:
- 1st step: 0-1
- 2nd step: 2 small
- 3rd step: 3 small or Hx
- 4th step: 4+ support or Hxx
All semi-positive sequences are game forcing.
First Round Responses
- 2♦ - either negative or positive.
- 2♥ALERT - shows a semi-positive, either a 2 suited hand (at least 5-4)
or one suited with spades. But note, (almost) never 5 hearts.
- 2♠ALERT - semi-positive, balanced. Could have a 5 card major
- 2NTALERT - semi-positive, 5+ hearts
- 3♣ - semi-positive, 6+ clubs (no 4 card major)
- 3♦ - semi-positive, 6+ diamonds (no 4 card major)
- 3♥ALERT - semi-positive, 4-4-4-1 with red suit shortness
- 3♠ALERT - semi-positive, 4-4-4-1 with black suit shortness
- 3NTALERT - semi-positive, 5-5 majors
Bidding after 2♦ showing positive or negative
If Opener now bids NT, standard NT responses are on. If Opener bids a suit
naturally, Responder bids the next step with any negative; otherwise Responder
is showing a positive and the auction is forcing to 4NT.
After Responder bids a negative, new suits by Opener are forcing, but Opener
can stop below game on specifically the two auctions 2♣-2♦-2♥-2♠ALERT-3♥ and
Kokish relays can optionally be played here.
Bidding after 2♥ showing a semi-positive two suiter or spade one suiter
2♠ALERT is the relay. 2NTALERT is natural showing spades, and 3 level bids are
natural showing that suit.
After the relay,
- 2NTALERT - Responder has 5+ spades
- 3♣ALERT - Responder has 5+ diamonds
- 3♦ALERT - Responder has 5+ clubs, 4 hearts (transfer to next suit)
- 3♥ALERT - Responder has 5+ clubs, 4 spades
- 3♠ALERT - Responder has 5+ clubs, 4 diamonds
- 3NTALERT - Responder has 6-5 in the minors. Prefer to bid 3♣ or 3♠
with 5-5. (trying to avoid excessive wrong-siding of NT)
After 3♣ showing primary diamonds, 3♦ALERT asks for one above the second suit,
(3♥=♣, 3♠=♥, 3NT=♠. Both ♥ and ♠ have been bid at this point, but
let's avoid wrong-siding NT when Responder ends up with the minors)
Bidding after 2♠ showing a balanced hand
Opener's natural shape asks use replies 1st step=2, 2nd step=3,
3rd step=4 or 5. Otherwise, we mimic responses to an actual balanced
hand: Opener's 2NTALERT is an asking relay, not necessarily balanced.
Responder now bids:
- 3♣ALERT - one or two 4 card majors (like Stayman)
- 3♦ALERT - 5 hearts (like a transfer)
- 3♥ALERT - 5 spades (like a transfer)
- 3♠ALERT - 5 card minor (4♣ALERT asks, 4♦=♣, 4♥=♦)
- 3NT - (2-3)=4=4 or 3=3=(4-3)
Bidding after Responder bids 2NT showing 5+ in a major
This applies over 2NT directly (hearts) and 2♥ then 2NT (spades).
Opener has various choices:
- 3♣ALERT asks for second long suit: Responder transfers into their
second suit (♦->♥, ♥->♠, ♠->♣, NT->♦). If they transfer
into their own suit, that shows a one-suited hand 6+.
- 3♦ALERT asks for length in OM
- 3NT - to play
Bidding after 3♥ or 3♠ showing 4-4-4-1 shape
In both cases, 4♣ALERT is the asking bid, with responses.
- 4♦ALERT - shortness in the lower suit (♣/♦)
- 4♥ALERT - shortness in the higher suit (♠/♥)
Revision History
- Version 7 - 2018-08-23 - symmetric system for 5+ major unbalanced
- Version 6 - 2018-05-21 - removed transfer style from most 2nd round and
later relays. Made 2♥-2♠-2NT show spades. Added shortness showers
over 2♥ and 2NT replies.
- Version 5 - 2017-04-30 - simplify 2♥ responses slightly, remove 5-5 minors option, add shape-to-bid table
- Version 4 - 2017-04-29 - swap hearts and spades for 2H/2NT
- Version 3 - 2017-04-14 - change 2NT response back to spades, but add transfers "everywhere".
- Version 2 - 2017-04-14 - change 2NT response from spades to hearts.
- Version 1 - 2017-04-10: original.